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Scalar And Vectors MCQS

(1) Number of significant figures in 0.001790 are.....

(a)Three                            (b)Four
(c)Five                               (d)two
(2)Quantity which has its unit as Newton_second......
(a)angular momentum            (b)Pressure
(c)Momentum                       (d)torque
(3)The number pi is defined as.......
(a)The radian measure of angle  (b)Ratio of circumference to the diameter of circle
(c)3.1414                             (d)22/7
(4)Random error can be reduced by.......
(a)taking zero correction         (b)taking mean of the measurement
(c)comparing measurement with more accurate one (d) All of these
(5)SI unit of coefficient of vescosity is......
(a)kg.m.s-1                            (b)kg m-1.s-1
(c)kg.m.s                          `      (d)kg-1.m-1.s-1
(6)which pair has same dimension........
(a)Work,torque                                                  (b)work,energy
(d)energy,torque                                               (d)All are correct
(7)one pice is equal to.........
(a)10-15                                                                                     (b)10-12


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